Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Cullen Cars

WARNING: There are lots of spoilers in this post. If you haven’t read the Twilight series yet and has a plan to read them, then, don’t read this post.

You might be wondering who the Cullens are. If you have already read the Twilight series, then they might be very familiar. The Cullens is a family of “cold-blooded” vampires in Stephenie Meyer’s books. But they are no ordinary vamps you have read in old and boring bloodsucker legends. They are modern day vampires. They don’t explode and turn into ashes when hit by the sunlight. They don’t drink human bloods. They don’t sleep in bloody coffins. They don’t have long and sharp fangs. They don’t wear black robes. All in all, they don’t do those pathetic things you used to know about vampires.

The Cullen family is headed by Dr. Carlisle, the handsome doctor who managed to co-exist with mortals in his three hundred years of existence; Esmee, the suicide victim who has been given the chance to a life of immortality; Jasper, the one who can control emotions and is the best fighter in the family; Alice, the one who has the gift to see the future; Rosalie, the most beautiful vampire according to Bella; Emmett, he is Rosalie’s lover; Edward, the ninety year old plus vampire who fell in love with a human and has the power to read minds, and later on Bella, the ordinary teen-ager who accepted her destiny to live the life as one of the immortal ones. These modern day vampire characters who graced the pages of Stephenie Meyer’s books became the keys to the series phenomenal success. And because they are modern-day characters they drive the conventional and the hippest cars in town. Let’s start with Isabella Swan’s(Bella) 1953 Chevrolet Pickup Truck...continue reading here.

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