Friday, November 28, 2008

Rob at the Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Rob Pattinson was one of the guests last 26th of November at the famous late night show hosted by Jay Leno. I saw an album of photos of his guesting at the gallery page of Lion and Lamb Love website.

Check the rest of the photos here.

Rob and Kristen's Inquirer Interview

Here's an interview of Rob and Kristen posted a few hours ago. It was written by Ruben V. Nepales of Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Robert Pattinson

Do you believe in having a soul mate?

I hope there is such a thing. I guess it would be quite scary to find a soul mate when you’re young because you’re probably going to mess it up (laughter).

How have you embraced the thought that you’re a sex symbol now?

It’s strange because I’m a sex symbol to 14-year-old girls (laughter) which I guess is not the most helpful situation to be in. But yeah, I’ve never really thought of it. It’s just so funny. I mean, just last year I couldn’t even get a date (laughter) and then this year, the world turns and it’s so bizarre (laughter) that everybody just changes their mind at the same time (laughter).

You couldn’t get a date?

When I was in London, it was like, not at all. I don’t know why. That’s all I talked about the whole of last year—that I need to get a girlfriend. I need to get a girlfriend and then this year, I could have any 12-year-old I wanted (laughter).

Read the rest of the interview here...

Kristen Stewart

What did Robert bring to the table? How did you arrive at that chemistry between the two of you?

Rob came into the audition looking sort of terrified, like a subdued fear and pained. The pain was just very evident in him. I am not saying it’s in Rob but he knew what to bring to that character. We didn’t need the statuesque, model-types who come in and just pose. I couldn’t see any of the other guys. They weren’t even looking at me. It was like they were focusing on their lines but Rob is very organic. He’s in the moment and he lets it happen which is brave. He’s brave. He’s a courageous actor.

How much training did you have to undergo for the stunts which required wire work?

I didn’t have much training. I was trained to hold onto Rob (laughter). It was like I didn’t really have to do much else. I was always trying to make it easier for him because he’s always found it very difficult. I was always trying to find points to take the pressure off of him.

Read the rest of the interview here...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Twilight Cast Featured in Sugar Magazine's January 2009 Issue

Above is a magazine scan I saw at Lion and Lamb website. This site is among those hundreds of Twilight fan sites scattered around the net. It is for Sugar Magazine's January 2009 issue. You can check the rest of the magazine scans here.

My Official Twilight Movie Review

I watched the movie last night at Ayala Theater in Cinema 1. I got a ticket reservation from last week that’s why I managed to book a last full show schedule in the first day of screening here in PI. I immediately took off from the office when my CPU clock ticked off to 9:30PM. The Ayala theater is just located in front of our office building.

The mall was already closing up when I arrived and most of the stores were already closed. When I went upstairs to the cinema, there were already throngs of people who were going inside the theater. Most of them were females and a quarter were males. The inside of the cinema were jam packed with Twilight fans when a cinema crew ushered me to my reserved seat.

I really didn’t expect much from the movie because I know that it’s not easy to compress a three hundred plus pages of story into a 122-minute film. I’ve already read a lot of movie reviews and negative criticism write ups from the internet, a few days before I decided to watch it. My expectation was low, but my acceptance was high. I was determined to watch the movie to show my love of the books and how I adored Stephenie Meyer’s(a plain housewife before her book became famous) creative imagination that enamored millions of avid fans worldwide.

The movie started off awkwardly. I guess that’s the right term. I expected Kristen Stewart to be really, really great, but it seems like her acting is kinda dry, no emotions. But I guess that’s really how Meyer portrayed Bella Swan in her book. Bella is always anxious to become the center of attention, she doesn’t want to be a burden to anybody even to her mom and dad. But this doesn’t justify Kristen Stewart’s emotionless portrayal in the first few scenes. The most awkward scene is that one in the Biology lab, when Bella’s scent distracted Edward. It’s very awkward to watch a scene written in a book portrayed straight in the big screen. It’s because what you imagined in your head while you were reading the book is not exactly what you see in the screen. So, this is a major fall back of a novel turned into a movie. Every readers has their own interpretation and imagination of what that scene should be.

Moreover, the movie all in all is okay. Rob Pattinson is definitely hot and he portrayed the character of Edward well. I guess there’s no one more appropriate than him to play Edward. You will definitely leave the theater falling in love with him. On the other hand, the relationship between the members of the Cullen family was portrayed properly. And Billy Burke(the one who played Charlie, Bella’s father) is really a good actor. Among all the Twilight casts, I can say that he’s really one of the best actors in the movie.

If I would rate the movie from 1 to 10, 7 would definitely my rating. For those people who haven’t read the book yet and are talking negative things against the story, you better read all the books first before you start stoning shits. I’ve been reading hundreds of fictional books since elementary, and the Twilight Series is definitely one of a kind. It’s so refreshing that Meyer gave my fave mythical character a chance to be seen in different shade of light. Well, who wouldn’t like a vampire for a boyfriend now? Just kidding. So long penguins.

The Cullen Cars

WARNING: There are lots of spoilers in this post. If you haven’t read the Twilight series yet and has a plan to read them, then, don’t read this post.

You might be wondering who the Cullens are. If you have already read the Twilight series, then they might be very familiar. The Cullens is a family of “cold-blooded” vampires in Stephenie Meyer’s books. But they are no ordinary vamps you have read in old and boring bloodsucker legends. They are modern day vampires. They don’t explode and turn into ashes when hit by the sunlight. They don’t drink human bloods. They don’t sleep in bloody coffins. They don’t have long and sharp fangs. They don’t wear black robes. All in all, they don’t do those pathetic things you used to know about vampires.

The Cullen family is headed by Dr. Carlisle, the handsome doctor who managed to co-exist with mortals in his three hundred years of existence; Esmee, the suicide victim who has been given the chance to a life of immortality; Jasper, the one who can control emotions and is the best fighter in the family; Alice, the one who has the gift to see the future; Rosalie, the most beautiful vampire according to Bella; Emmett, he is Rosalie’s lover; Edward, the ninety year old plus vampire who fell in love with a human and has the power to read minds, and later on Bella, the ordinary teen-ager who accepted her destiny to live the life as one of the immortal ones. These modern day vampire characters who graced the pages of Stephenie Meyer’s books became the keys to the series phenomenal success. And because they are modern-day characters they drive the conventional and the hippest cars in town. Let’s start with Isabella Swan’s(Bella) 1953 Chevrolet Pickup Truck...continue reading here.